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Pizzas, Salads, Ethiopian, Asian Street Food...

Do you see a website update?

After a year and a half?

You do?

You're right!

It has happened!

Guilty as charged. And we're going to try and be regular with updating this space.

The next few months of 2024 seem rather exciting!

While the first couple of months were all about Asian food (we do that every year, don't we?),

the last couple of months were an attempt at doing something a little more global and generic, yet yum!

And, boy, were the books good or what!

Read more about them by going to the "blog" option that you see on the right side of this page.

This month we're cooking out of Sumayya Usmani's Summers Under The Tamarind Tree.

And we've already thought some books and cuisines up for the months ahead!

Watch this space!!

(We promise it'll be updated!)

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